This document describes how to get started with the infrastructure provided by O.S. Systems for you to develop your products based on the Yocto Project.

O.S. Systems' development server ( uses Gerrit to manage source code of its internal, public and customers projects. Gerrit is a web-based code review system, facilitating online code reviews for projects using the Git version control system.

To be able to use O.S. Systems' Gerrit, you need to create a profile. The next section describes the steps to do it and some hints to configure your development machine to easily communicate with the development server.

Gerrit setup and registration

Register yourself

To get access to the server you need to register; for it, please go to and follow the steps presented there.

Set your username

Go to and set your username. Please choose something which is easy for you to remeber. It is case sensitive!

Set your contact information

Go to and add all e-mail addresses you will be using to send patches. This is required by Gerrit; otherwise it will deny the upload of changes as it will not be able to link the change to you, as author.

Add your SSH key

Go to and add your SSH key. It is used for authentication when fetching the source throught SSH.

If you don’t yet have an SSH key, follow the steps at to create one.

Configuring your development machine

Create or edit your ~/.ssh/config file and add:

    User <username>

Create or edit your ~/.gitconfig file and add:

[review ""]
    username = <username>

Downloading the source code for your project

In this section we describe how to download the source code for your project and how to set up the environment to build images. It assumes you’ve create an account on (see the Gerrit setup and registration section).

Downloading and setting up repo

repo is a tool to manage multiple git repositories. O.S. Systems uses repo to manage the repositories that compose your BSP platform. Here are the suggested steps to download and set up repo:

$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ wget -O ~/bin/repo
$ chmod 755 ~/bin/repo
$ export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

Downloading the actual source code for your project

Now that repo has been installed, we can use it to actually download the source code for the BSP platform:

$ mkdir -p <customer>/<project>/yocto
$ cd <customer>/<project>/yocto
$ repo init -u ssh://<customer>/<project>/yocto-platform
$ repo sync

Contact the O.S. Systems team to know the proper values for <customer> and <project>.

Setting up the build environment

Required software

In order to run Yocto Project, you’ll need a recent Linux distribution. For more detailed information see the “Required Packages for the Host Development System” section at the Yocto Project’s documentation.

After the requirements have been installed and source code have been downloaded, we can proceed to set up the build environment:

$ cd <customer>/<project>/yocto
$ MACHINE=<machine> source setup-environment <build dir>

<build dir> can be any valid directory name (typically, build is used).

<machine> is the machine you’ll buid the image for. Consult the O.S. Systems team for the value for it.

Once the environment has been set up, you can proceed to build images. Your product will probably have a custom image, so consult the O.S. Systems team for instructions on how to build and deploy your image.

Suggested hardware for running Yocto

Yocto can be quite demanding with regard to resources usage, so it is recommended to use a powerful machine to run it. Specifying a minimum requirement is hard, since it all depends on what you’ll be building and the productivity you expect. The faster your machine, the better your productivity will be.

Despite the subjective nature of hardware specification for Yocto tasks, we recommend as minimal hardware this configuration:

  • an Intel i5 quad core processor

  • 4GB of RAM

  • 200GB of storage space

For a better productivity, we recommend a more powerful machine, such as:

  • an Intel i7 quad core processor with HyperThreading running at a reasonable clock for today’s standards (e.g., 2.4GHz)

  • 12GB of RAM

  • 200GB of storage space

Keep in mind that faster processors (or with more cores) and more RAM will probably speed things up. The faster your hardware is, the sooner your build will be finished.